Basic information


Keep your information up to date to ensure that your salary is paid on time. Check your account number, upload your latest tax card to the service and make sure your union membership is connected to your account. We also recommend creating a profile on the site so that potential clients can find you in our expert search tool. For more information, contact our customer service.

Salary account


Enter the bank account to which you want your salary paid.

Self-employed pension insurance

Minulla on yrittäjäeläkevakuutus (YEL)   

Update password

Palkkioplus Platinum & Gold

Kytke tilisi liittosi jäsenyyteen kirjautumalla oman liittosi jäsentunnuksin.


    Use the special discount offered by your union: Sign in with your union membership ID or, alternatively, your username to activate our Platinum or Gold level service package.

    My profile

    Osaamista ei ole vielä määritetty.


    You can create a personal profile in the service to improve your visibility to potential clients!